Tuesday, June 5, 2012

So Who Shops at Wal-Mart?

I have a question for Liberals: Do you shop at Wal-Mart?

I will make a point.

1) I agree with you that billionaires don't create jobs. Consumer demand creates jobs. Economics 101. I understand that.

2) However, if you shop at Wal-Mart, which outsources jobs to China, then you are not practicing what you preach, because you are not helping to create jobs through consumer demand. If enough people refused to shop at a chain that helps to destroy jobs here in America, then we wouldn't be in the economic pickle we are in. But you have to practice what you preach.

3) While it is demand that creates jobs, where do you want to create them? Here in America, or there in China. While there is demand here, I see a lot of that demand being shipped THERE. and that is part of the problem. In America, we get what we deserve, but if you are willing to give it all away to China, then you deserve what you get.

4) If we all really put America first, we wouldn't be arguing over taxes at all. Taxes would be low, and unemployment would be less than 4%. There would be enough prosperity to go around, and there wouldn't be camps of Democrats and Republicans that are always at each others' throats.

5) But you have to act like an American for that to happen. That means buy American and not set your foot inside stores that don't give a shit about anything but profits, at whatever price has to be paid, whether it is in the blood of Chinese slaves or whether it is in money.

6) You are either part of the problem or part of the solution. If you are certain that it is demand and not billionaires that create jobs, then you have to put your money where your mouth is.

So who shops at Wal-Mart?

(Dana puts on his flame proof suit)

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