Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Flip Flop That Wasn't

From Yahoo  News:

During an interview with CNN's Piers Morgan on Wednesday night, Cain said that he personally opposes abortion under all circumstances, even in cases of rape or incest. But when pressed on how that view would direct his policy decisions as president, Cain appeared to support the notion that abortion should remain legal in those cases.

OK, so Cain does not like abortion, even in cases of rape or incest. However, in those cases, Cain says it's not the government's business to dictate to the states. The mass media whores call this "confusing". I do not call it confusing at all. Cain has a personal belief about abortion, but separates it from what he believes to be the role of government. What is so confusing about that, except the media whores attempting to make a mountain out of a???...... Wait, a molehill doesn't even exist here.

Damn, if only Mitt Romney could "flip flop" like that, he would actually be telling the truth, for a change. LOL.