Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I know you are but what am I?

What's up with Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich accusing each other of being Liberals?

Asked whether they are Liberal or Conservative, just about anybody will say one or the other. But, when asked that question on specific issues, the answers are all over the place, depending on the issue. That is why it is not a good thing to peg someone, and put him in a box, as one or the other. But most do, and a few others do it to demonize an opponent. Here is the irony of our age: Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich calling each other Liberals, when each of them has done things in the past that could be construed as Liberal. But is either one a Conservative? Once again, depends on the issue, and past voting record, which tells the real story. When both say they are Conservative, they are both telling the truth. When each accuses the other of being a Liberal, again they are both telling the truth. Depends on the context.

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