Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Did Donald Trump just royally punk the birthers?

Today, President Obama released the "long form" of his birth certificate, just about a week after Donald Trump rallied the birthers, claiming that Obama couldn't prove his citizenship.  Did Donald Trump stick his foot in his mouth over the birth certificate business, or was their something else at work here?  I say that something else was at work here, namely a masterful plan to make the birthers look like the idiots they are.  Mission accomplished.  Here are the facts, as anybody with the IQ of a bag of hammers would see them:

1) Obama already released his certificate 2 years ago.

2) The certificate he released was the legal one that the state of Hawaii releases.

3) The validity of this certificate was confirmed by a Republican clerk, and also by a Republican governor, Linda Lingle.

4) The birthers, in their batshit insanity, claimed it wasn't enough.  Obama was still a Kenyan, according to them.  They even filed lawsuits, one which was thrown out by the Supreme Court, in a session, during which, I assume, the justices laughed until they puked.

5) Enter Donald Trump, who played the birther card, and demanded Obama's birth certificate.

6) But who is Donald Trump? He claims to be a Republican, but has called George Bush the worst president in history, and in February of this year, made a campaign donation to Rahm Emmanuel, the man who gets most of the credit for getting Obama elected.  Trump is as much of a Republican as Barack Obama is.  A reasonable person can see that Trump was not sincere in asking for Obama's birth certificate. He wanted to punk the birthers. You don't think that Obama's release of the long form, just a week or 2 after Trump demands it, looks at least a little suspicious? If not, then you have absolutely no critical thinking skills whatsoever.

7) The birthers rally behind The Donald, and ramp up the birther nonsense to an unprecedented level.

8) Bam - At a time that has never been more opportune, Obama suddenly, from nowhere, pulls out the long form of his birth certicate, which makes the same conclusion that his certified copy of birth, ALSO A LEGAL DOCUMENT, makes. Obama also smiles, while calling the birthers silly.

9) The birthers have enough egg on their faces now to cook omelets for every American citizen, not to mention at least half the world.

10) Want to here the most hilarious part of all this?  The birthers claim victory. Sure thing, guys, and Hitler won World War II. And Russia won the space race. And France has never surrendered. LOL.

BONUS TOP 10.....

11) The sky is green, according to the Birther Bible. LOL.

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