Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Little Birther Batshit Insanity on Donald Trump

 From Newsmax:
Donald Trump, who has been making television appearances calling for  President Barack Obama to release his official birth documents, released  his hospital birth certificate exclusively to Newsmax on Monday.

Why would I post something here from Newsmax, the batshit insane media source, you ask?  Very simple, folks.  To show everybody here how batshit insane Donald Trump is:

1)  First of all, Trump has questioned Obama's birth certificate, calling it a fake, because there is no signature on it.  Guess what?  A few days ago, I pulled out my own birth certificate, and there is no signature on that one either, but it's the one Michigan gave me, when I requested a copy.  No problem.  But don't mind me.  I'm just your friendly neighborhood Kenyan peckerwood.  LOL.

2)  But here is why I posted the Newsmax link - To make fun of Newsmax AND Donald Trump.  Why go after one nut, when I can have twice the fun going after two nuts?  Logic 101, folks.

3) Are you ready for the fun to begin?  Drum roll, please.....

Thank you.

The birth certificate that Donald Trump provided to Newsmax is not an official New York State birth certificate

So I must question whether Donald Trump is really an American citizen, or whether, like me, he is also a Kenyan peckerwood.

4) An update to the link I provided shows that Trump, on his second attempt, did provide a real birth certificate, just like Obama did

5) Back to Obama.  His birth certificate was certified as real by a Republican governor, Linda Lingle.  Damn it.  I want Trump's certificate certified by the Governor of New York.

6) Donald Trump's birth certificate is not the long version.  Yea, yea, I'm rubbing that one in the birther's faces. 

7)  According to my link, Donald Trump has a plane registered in the Bahamas.  Was there a conspiracy to fly him to New York when he was born, so he could get a birth certificate illegally?  The world wants to know.

8)  Trump's mother was born in Scotland.  Egad!! Don't you know that, according to many "birther" experts, for someone to be a "natural born" citizen, BOTH parents have to be American citizens?

9)  If Obama is not qualified to be President of the United States, then neither is Donald Trump.

10) I am now looking to start a new group, and would like to see how many others would be interested.  The group will be known as the Donald Trump Birther Society.  The purpose of this group will be to question the eligibility of Donald Trump to be President of the United States.  I have contacted the infamous Obama birther attorney, Orly Taitz, to see if she would be interested in representing this new group in court, but I have bad news.  She turned me down.  She doesn't do character assassinations on white people.

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